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Alumni Reunion 05.14.17 Pedray Winkleman '07, Mason Stark '84, Cameron Marshad '07, Karah Preiss '07, Matt Witt '07, Brian Muller '09, and Nathaniel Janis '09. Left: Pendray Winkleman '07 and Taina Oquendo '07. Middle: Giselle Lawrence '14 and Sadasia McCutchen '13. Right: Alex Sturman '07 and Leah Pellan '07. Zoë Miller '07 chats with Brandon Taylor '13. Steven Dallas '09, Mirko Cavar, Lower School Physical Education Director (who retired at the end of the 2016–2017 academic year), and Brian Muller '09. In the 2016–2017 school year, Trevor formed an Alumni Captain Committee that would meet on a quarterly basis to discuss methods to strengthen and improve our alumni program. e current Alumni Captains Committee is a group of 15 alumni, who, along with eight long-standing faculty and staff, are all dedicated to this purpose. In this inaugural year, the Alumni Captain Committee reflected on the existing alumni program and began to develop a strategic plan. After assessing current strengths, challenges, and opportunities, several goals emerged. ey range from improving communication, to further involving alumni in the Bridge program, to creating a robust network of alumni across generations. With members covering a wide range of graduation years, the Alumni Committee is also considering ways to incorporate the school's history with its trajectory so that we can best serve our alumni and the entire Trevor community. We are eager to see "lost" alumni return to campus—and want to encourage and maintain relationships with younger alumni. Working on these improvements will, no doubt, involve reassessing and adjusting our actions as we progress, all toward the goal of creating an even more vibrant, robust, and connected alumni community. n News from the Alumni Captain Committee 5 8 T R E V O R D AY S C H O O L n FA L L 2 0 1 7 – 2 0 1 8 Head of School Scott Reisinger welcomes the reunion attendees. All from the Class of 2007 are Taina Oquendo, Max Weinman, Leah Pellan, Emilia Birdsall, Alex Sturman, Daisy Soloway, Alex La Ferla, Whitney Janis, Zoë Miller, and Andrea Nelson and a guest.