
Trevor Magazine Winter 2021-22

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4 6 T R E V O R D AY S C H O O L n W I N T E R 2 0 2 1 – 2 0 2 2 What is sustainable investing? As a relatively new industry, we're still working to standardize definitions, so it depends on whom you ask. e Morgan Stanley Institute for Sustainable Investing defines sustainable investing as the practice of making investments in companies or funds that aim to achieve market-rate financial returns while considering positive social and/or environmental impact. Now, back to my career journey…. After college, I joined Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), an organization supported by the United Nations that works with asset owners and asset managers to help them incorporate "environmental, social and governance" (or ESG, another common term in my field) considerations into investment practices. I worked on the Enduring friendships. Top: "en and Now" yearbook image of Melanie with Amanda Picciotto '11; Bottom: Caroline Gumer '11 and Melanie at commencement. Close friends throughout their years at Trevor, they also lived together after college for a time. policy team that engages global policymakers and regulators to help support public policy measures that incentivize sustainable investing. One initiative I supported helped stock exchanges assist listed companies in disclosing sustainability information in a way that resonated with investors. us, my sustainability reporting skill set was born. After nearly three years with PRI, I joined Morgan Stanley in early 2018 as part of the Global Sustainable Finance (GSF) group. Our team focuses on integrating sustainability into Morgan Stanley's core businesses and support functions through extensive partnerships between teams across the firm. We execute innovative solutions that address complex ESG issues and drive revenue opportunities. We also take a responsible, transparent, and proactive approach to sustainability in our operations and disclosure. e latter is the core focus of my job. I help drive Morgan Stanley's global sustainability reporting strategy, delivering an annual investor-focused sustainability report that details our progress toward our sustainability goals— such as becoming carbon-neutral in 2022 and achieving net-zero financed emissions by 2050; the report also highlights the diversity representation across our workforce; and showcases innovative client deals with environmental and/or social impact. I also manage our ESG ratings, partner with Investor Relations on shareholder engagement, and help publish thought leadership on sustainable investing trends through the Morgan Stanley Institute for Sustainable Investing. Looking back, many of the skills fostered throughout my time at Trevor continue to help me in my career. Writing, relationship-building, comfortably engaging with authority figures, and storytelling through the performing arts—I draw on each in my day-to-day work. I'm very grateful for the open and flexible learning environment that is so unique to Trevor, which taught me from an early age that my voice and opinions matter and encouraged me to think outside the box and build my own path. Outside of work, I love outdoor activities and spending time in nature. I also love traveling and trying new restaurants–sometimes with old Trevor friends. I live in Fort Greene, Brooklyn, with my fiancé, Ishaan, whom I met in college. We're currently planning our wedding, which will take place in his home city of New Delhi, India. We are major dog lovers and, unfortunately, lost our sweet pitbull rescue, Hershey, to cancer this past year. We dedicated a bench to him in our local park and visit it daily. n

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