The dragon's den is full today! #trevordayschool #trevordayeveryday #tds #trevordragons 🐉🐉🐉 @ Trevor Day School - Lower School
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Congratulations to Emma J. '24 on qualifying for the World Irish Dance Championship over the weekend! Great job, Emma! Good luck in the World Championships!

Join the Lower School Admissions Team this Wednesday at 9:30am for a Trevor TeleAdmissions Morning. Visit to sign up for this 4th-grade zoom classroom visit.

This week, 5th and 6th-grade students painted heart-shaped boxes, which will be filled with treats and inspirational messages. These boxes will then be distributed at one of Mott Haven Fridge's weekly

Middle school science class had a scary good time with their chemystery experiments today in preparation for Halloween!

Congrats to our Boys Varsity Soccer Team on a great season and making it to the NYCAL Championship game! A special shout-out to our seniors, who led the team in yesterday's match and all season long!

Trevor Boys Varsity Soccer takes on UNIS today in the NYCAL Championship game! For those who can't attend in person, follow the link below to livestream the game. Go Dragons!!

Yesterday, Trevor Girls Varsity Tennis defeated Grace Church in the NYCAL Semifinals three matches to two. With this victory the Dragons advanced to the NYCAL Championship Match on Friday at Alley Po

Lower school students dressed to impress for their picture day last week! Next week, upper schoolers will have their photo op!

Thanks to all involved in the MS Miniterm Musical The Old Man & The Old Moon, including the cast, band/musicians, crew, and costumes for their hard work on a great performance last week. The show

As part of the Middle School MiniTerm Robotics class, students (in teams) built and programmed their LEGO Mindstorm EV3 robots, and then faced off in the Epic Trevor MiniTerm Robotics Robo Wars. Afte

Middle School MiniTerm offers some unique classes such as Rubik’s Cube/Around the World in 80 Games. The class focuses on analyzing, experimenting, and ultimately solving the Rubik’s Cube and other p

Third graders are decorating reusable tote bags to commemorate the NY state plastic bag ban that starts this weekend. We're asking that parents share any pictures they have of students using the perso

An annual Trevor tradition that brings Upper School and Lower School together provides a tasty treat for the students. The Pre-K class journeys to an Upper School Chemistry class where together they

Recently, the Upper School Advanced Marine Biology class created virtual aquariums. Choosing a species that they have studied, each student was responsible for making a model, a virtual aquarium via

Daniel Karslake is an award-winning American director and producer, whose highly acclaimed work deals with social justice issues, both domestic and international. Last week, he visited Trevor to meet

Alumnus spotted! Dr. Adam Hartstone-Rose '99 is featured on Season 38 Episode 12 of "Nature" on PBS. In this episode, "The Mighty Weasel," Dr. Hartstone-Rose weighs in on the bite force of this tiny b